May 16, 2017

Our sponsors


GOLD Sponsor 

SILVER SponsorsNewmarket Children's Dream | Hosted by Regional Councillor John Taylor

BRONZE Sponsors


Thank you to all our contributors!


Liz Lan  ●  Suzanne Barbour-Medcof  ●  Ness Daniel  ●  Donald Fowell  ●  Benjamin Peisl  ●  Michelle Pozzebon  ●  Gerry Snape  ●  Matt Sheehan  ●  Sensei Wallace  ●  Peggyann Boudreau  ●  Reinhart Drawetz  ●  Sempai Neville Longhurst  ●  Claire and Ashton family ●  Alexis Gnanashvili  ●  Sensei Brad Jones  ●  Jeremy Fenninger  ●  Ian Dove ●  Ellen Francis  ●  Katie Stoyles  ●  Sensei Jon Juffs  ●  Donna Viggiani ● Steve Sutton ● Kim & Richard Lyall ● Gloria Dixon ● Jan Nicol Javier  ●  Libor Nunvar  ●  Oleg Zhilkin  ●  Derek Ferkranus  ●  Sempai George Usher  ●  Sempai Neville Longhurst  ●  Celesse Dove  ●  Sharon Wolske  ●  Tom Duffy  ●  Steve Walsh



Improve Corporate profile in the Community

  • Promote organized sports by aligning your brand with these hard working, high achieving athletes
  • Increase awareness and promotion of healthy, active living
  • Improve self discipline and respect for others

Marketing Opportunity

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